Verify news
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better reading
By adding a badge to verified and unverified news site in your search feed, we aim to provide you with an additional layer of protection.
Verified websites
5 tips on news websites
Check the About Us
sectionA verified news website should have a clear and detailed description of its editorial policies, ownership, and staff. This information should be easy to find and transparent.
Look for well-known news organizations
That link to the website - If other reputable news organizations regularly link to the website, this can be a sign that the website is verified and reputable.
Check the website's sources and citations
A verified news website should cite sources and provide evidence to back up its reporting. Look for quotes from experts, links to research studies, and other forms of evidence.
Check the About Us
sectionA verified news website should have a clear and detailed description of its editorial policies, ownership, and staff. This information should be easy to find and transparent.
Check the website's sources and citations
A verified news website should cite sources and provide evidence to back up its reporting. Look for quotes from experts, links to research studies, and other forms of evidence.
How it works
the ExtensionEnsure the extension remains enabled. You can easily disable it via the mini dashboard.
Verified news website
Check the search results
and address barWe'll add a verified news site icon to your search results and warn you about unverified news sites.